Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in quilts or quilting with a maximum membership of 165. Membership includes attendance at our monthly meetings, entry in our annual yearbook, receipt of our monthly newsletters and email, and discounts offered to our guild members. Our membership dues is $35 per year.
Beginners are especially welcome and encouraged to join. The guild is currently open to new members.
Associate membership is available for those who do not plan to attend meetings. Associate members will be included in the yearbook under that title, receive the monthly newsletters and email as long as they have a current email address, and receive any discounts offered to guild members. Associate members may enter quilts in the guild’s biennial quilt show if space is available. They may attend a meeting by paying the guest fee of $5 as long as space is available. Associate members will have no voting rights on guild business. Our associate membership dues is $20.