Concord Piecemakers Guild: A Guide for New Members
Guild meetings begin in September each year and run through June. Meetings are usually every 3rd Wednesday of the month, from 7:15 - 9 pm; in February, a Saturday (all-day) Quiltathon replaces our Wednesday meeting. The monthly program schedule is included in the Year Book, which is handed out to members at the September meeting; the calendar is also available on the CPM web site: Between 7:00 and 7:15 p.m. members sign in, visit, check out books from the guild library, sign up for workshops and other events, pickup or drop off projects for Outreach programs and shop at the quilt shop vendor. The business meeting begins at 7:15 pm, and includes information on various guild business items. Next, an invited speaker will present a talk about her/his work, often including a slide show and/or a display of quilts. The meeting generally concludes with show and tell. Meetings generally end at about 9:00 p.m.
The guild is funded mainly by our bi-annual quilt show and yard sale, which are held in the fall of alternating years. An additional fund raising activity is a biannual raffle quilt; membership dues also provide support for guild programs. The success of each of these major guild activities depends in large part on the time, talents, and efforts contributed by each guild member.
Guests and friends of members are always welcome at any meeting; they are charged a $5 guest fee. Our membership is limited due to the fire code and limited seating at our meeting site. If guild membership is closed, the Membership Chair maintains a list of prospective members. These individuals are then invited to join whenever an open space becomes available.
Annual guild membership dues are $25, and are due at the May meeting. Our May meeting is a formal business meeting, during which the budget for the next year is presented to the guild for approval. In accordance with the guild by-laws, the Nominating committee presents the proposed slate of officers in the April newsletter; officers are elected at the May meeting. All members are encouraged to become an active member and be involved by serving on committee and/or becoming an officer; there are at least 15 positions that need to be filled to maintain the activities of the guild.
Guild benefits for each member include:
- Great speakers at several of our monthly meetings
- Inexpensive workshops by local and nationally-known instructors
- Member-led workshops, usually one day per year
- "More Before", our new free mini-workshop before monthly meetings; a great place to learn a new technique.
- Informal advice/suggestions of experienced quilters is often shared, if you ask.
- Our December and June meetings are often a guild "party". Generally a potluck and other fun activities fill the evening.
- Monthly newsletter is typically sent to each member at least 1 week prior to the guild meeting. Members are encouraged to receive this by email, which saves guild funds for other activities.
- Quilting-related vendors at many meetings.
- AQS discount group book orders
- Discount card at a local fabric store
- Year Book with member contact information
- Guild library of quilt books is open and books are available for lending at all meetings
- Monthly Show and Tell by members
- Participation in Outreach activities, such as making charity quilts for various groups, or sewing fleece hats and mittens for area school children.
- Opportunity to show your work in guild's bi-annual quilt show
- Opportunity to participate in our February Quiltathon, where we assemble quilts and pillows for various charitable organizations.
- Information board of non-guild items; it is displayed at each meeting and provides details about area quilt shows and quilt-related services (i.e. long-arm quilters).
- Concord Piecemakers web site, which includes our calendar of activities, guild constitution and by-laws. URL is
- Attend monthly guild meetings, held September through June.
- "More-Before" free mini-workshops - attend and/or teach
- Guild-sponsored workshops by renowned quilting teachers (fee is charged)
- Member-led workshops - offer to teach a technique, skill or design idea
- Attend Wearables Group meetings - held monthly on Saturday morning.
- Neighborhood quilting groups
- Make quilt tops for Comfort Quilt groups and/or Quiltathon on your own.
- Comfort Quilt Groups throughout the year - morning and evening groups
- Yearly Guild "Challenge" - format and techniques vary yearly
- Attend our Getaway Weekend at an area hotel; one weekend in January.
- Participate at our Quiltathon - one Saturday in February
- Assist in ticket sales for our raffle quilt at various activities throughout the year
- Assist in making raffle quilt in alternate years.
- Assist with Yard Sale, before and/or the day of sale (Saturday in October)
- Assist with Quilt Show in alternating years. There are many committees to work on, and many ways to be involved.
- Bring your (nearly) finished projects/quilts for Show and Tell at monthly guild meeting.
- Attend Guild potluck and bring wonderful food to share- generally, our December and June meetings are Potlucks with other fun activities.
- Serve on Committees - there are many ways to be involved. Members of the Nominating Committee may contact you, or simply volunteer.
- Share your ideas and experience.
- Have fun.